Friday 17 October 2014

Half Marathon Paula Lamb - #gotlegs must run!

Here I am folks Race # 5, 6 and 7 DONE AND DUSTED!  
147 km's of racing and over 600 km's of training later.

Race number 5 was my peak all I had to do was push myself over the edge, start rolling down that hill cause race number six was in clear view.  I had to dig deep to complete this race, I started with an injury and ended very very sore and was off my feet for two weeks post race.

It had not been a happy time.  The only time I think I will feel human again without aches and pains is when I have fully rested my body and not pushed myself so hard. That will have to wait I guess as I have the race of all races NUMBER 8 left to cross off the goal posts.

How did my injury occur.  One week into my trip overseas after race number three I started with a left hip ache which radiated down the left leg (ITB) and felt a pinch in my left glute crease (you know where the glute and the hamstring meet).  This concerned me and I realized why,  it was from the beds I had been sleeping in.  The mattresses were too soft and had pushed my sleeping alignment out of whack.  PLUS I aint gonna lie my body was tired yes ma'am which I think added to the stress.  I had this dull ache which worsened as time ticked on.  I still completed short runs and stretched as much as possible but the dull ache lingered this was truly concerning for me.  At that point it was only three races left and I had an injury I was not too sure how long it would take to heal or how bad I was injured.

What I will have to say before I go on is take your running shoes with you because you can capture the most awesome picture perfect moments during your runs in a city.  The best time is when the streets are quiet in the early hours of the morning - not a tourist in sight.  
Love Locks in Cologne, Germany
After running for 8-10km I climbed 298 steps to a gorgeous
view of Passau, Germany
Vienna, Austria a runner's paradise massive park available to
runners along the waterways.
Anyhow back to the serious stuff.  Five races down and I now relied on my hot yoga classes, maintaining flexibility, visits to my RMT and less time on the road to get me across the finish line!  I have to say once you have a good cardiovascular and endurance fitness base under your belt its easier to maintain the running. Hence my weekly distance has decreased somewhat so that I can finish my set goal (re-covering from an injury) for 2014. You gotta do,  what ya gotta do!

It is now October 17th and I have only started feeling relief since I started treatment with my massage therapist, hot yoga and taken some rest.  This injury has tortured the life out of me since after race four the Scotia Bank half.  And again I realize how magical our bodies are and if we don't look after them they give in or sure as hell show us the signs we are over doing it!  It is imperative we listen to our bodies or we may never be able to run again.

Yes, training for eight half marathons in one year has been gruelling on my body (gosh what does marathon training do to the ole bod!!)  and on the mind.  I enjoy my running, I miss it when I don't do it but I have had to slow down somewhat to ensure I make it to my last race in November.

Injury prevention is key to success when you are running near or far.  They creep up on us, one minute your galloping the next your limping out the gate.  I am plagued with plantar fascaitis and for those of you reading this who know what I am talking about will understand the heel pain one feels and more so after a race.  I also suffer from tight hip flexors, ITB, hamstrings, achilles and lets just stop there....

So how do I still get to run.  I have a injury healing and prevention team as I like to call it.  My magical Registered Massage Therapist Nikki works wonders painful but delightful all at once (I giggle or groan alot in her treatments but boy do I feel magical a couple of days later).  Then I visit YYOGA for my YHOT classes and flow classes (although right now I am just doing YHOT).  Its marvellous stretching out the body in the heat as the sun rises on an autumns day. #Bliss

I have at home my epsom salts baths and often soak my feet and calves in icy icy cold water (with epsom salts of course, works wonders). A foam roller with and without the knobbies is great to release tension but be careful with the knobbly one it can bruise the body.  I also have this little ball (you can use the spiky balls they have for use in tumble dryers) that I roll under my feet and heel.  This helps with my plantar and massages my tired, sore feet.

Post race I take a warm epsom salts bath (as soon as I can) and after a good soak I apply a magnesium oil to the ole leggies.  It truly helps.

I am almost at my finish line and my half marathon race day is about turning my dream, my goal into reality and astonishing myself each step of the way.

My journey is not complete - exciting really.  With race number eight set for late November with yet another three week international journey before that.  I hope and pray nothing holds me back because I can see that finish line I just have a 21km hurdle ahead to accomplish.  
I have more too share so please come back as my journey is not complete.  Food, Workouts and all that I have learnt along the way.

"Achievement is true glory, exhilarating to the heart and joyous to the beholder"
                                                                                                      Paula C Lamb

Race Number Six - (Spirit of the Shore, Oct 5th, 2014)

Race Six and Seven (Victoria Half Oct 12th, 2014)

See you on the road, #killingtime

Paula C

7x Half Marathoner