Wednesday 27 March 2013

Detoxification is a "tidy" business

Spring has sprung and a need of shedding entwines the body, the mind and your closet.

Clear the clutter, detox your life, shed the excess, relieve the stressors and come out the other end fit and fabulously beautiful inside and out.

Where do we begin; 

Detoxification of the body inside and out;  I highly recommend a herbal detoxification.  HOW???????

Dr Terry Willards - Wild Rose Herbal Detox available from most food stores and lasts only 12 days. (can extend the time frame if you so wish)

Detoxing of the internal should also be a part of your yearly spring clean and I recommend it for most healthiesh individuals.  If you are on any form of medication or unsure if you are able to proceed with this form of detoxification please consult your GP first.

Herbal D-Tox whole body cleanse for 12 days is a superb way to cleanse the body of unnecessary toxicity, rejuvenate the skin, internal organs and mind.  It will help to eliminate cravings for foods such as sugar, simple carbohydrates and caffeine.

Monday 11 March 2013

Tidy but Confusing

Here it is, here I am my first Blog Spot whoot whoot  yikkeeessss. Confusing to set-up I have to say easier than twitter but non the less daunting and confusing!

A Chair Massage Colleague Eric Brown creator of "Relax to the Max",  in 2012 challenged many of us in the massage industry to write a blog for 31 days.  I skimmed over the idea, mulled it about in my head, read the blogs of those who committed and along came December 2012 and I still had not made my own commitment.  Commitment can be difficult (in many situations) blogging, nutrition, exercise, spring cleaning, house work, taxes the list can go on... 

BUT here I am!! what can I say I am a late bloomer and can be quite the procrastinator (as I sit and write this I should be doing my taxes aarrggghhhh!!!) BUT I am here and hope to write about many interesting topics.  

My blog topics will touch on fitness, nutrition, fashion (of course I am a girl) books, movies pretty much whatever tickles my interest and fancy.

2013 is the year for me to connect through all the media feeds I can find starting with 31 blogs (better late than never huh!).  I have decided though that I will complete the task over 31 weeks with 1 or more blogs per week and at the same time start dabbling on twitter Paula C:  @tidybusiness

I shall keep you posted. And if anyone reads this please hit reply and say hello anyone!  ......Maybe!

"Remember everything can be a tidy business" 
Paula C

Definition:  "tidy" - clean, neat, cool, fabulous, good looking, fantastic, suave